Opening viewing Saturday 1st July, 18h-20h
Exhibition Sunday 2nd - Thursday 13th July, 15h-18h
In July 2017 there will be an exhibition of artist Ariane Sirota, plasticienne.
Click on the name below to find out more.
Born in 1981 near Paris, Ariane Sirota had access to creative activities in an early age. Their artistic approach is both modest and political by dealing with basic issues maintaining the established order - owing to everyday materials they gather, re-use or recycle.
Aiming to move large audiences, they express themselves in several media such as painting and sculpture, and also broadcasting on local radios. What sets the process in motion, with brushes or the mike, is the will to question relations of domination that are so deeply rooted that we might have a hard time acknowledging and/or naming them. By interrogating premises and impacts of social organisations, they wish to offer a spark of freedom... or of indignation. Sexism is one of the discriminations that outrage them and they wish to tumble.
Their own consciousness grows along with their search. For example, they quit framing their photographs and paintings. Frames are now crude material.
In 2015, Ariane Sirota led the participative project "Of bodies in this place" in Helsinki. They hope to do it again in another city.
Since the end of 2016, they focus on the publishing of their first novel : Foyer, Éditions Pousse-pied. Many themes of the book are deeply connected to their visual works. (fr) (eng)