Opening viewing Thursday 13th June, 18h until 20h
Venue - Salle des Fêtes, avenue Charcot (beside cinéma Impérial)Exhibition from Friday 14th June to Friday 21st June, 15h until 18h
In June 2024 there will be an exhibition of works by Cindy Mehr
Click on the name below to find out more.
Mixed media and visual artist
In my work I use items from my immediate surroundings and blend these disparate elements in a harmonious mixture, the result being that the pictures look like collage, but, in fact, are entirely painted surfaces. The painterly quality resembles airbrush, but my technique is also a blend of different processes: brush painting, spray painting, drip painting, stencilling, and photography.
These paintings were done during Covid and immediately afterwards, and the viewer will find references to what comprised my immediate environment at the time: direct and indirect allusions to the pandemic as well as the general concept of contagion and infestation, including that by the media. The patches of blue sky in some of the paintings symbolizes the breath of fresh air one felt after these oppressive forces dissipated.
My wish is for viewers to "connect the dots," so to speak, and come to their own conclusions about the scraps of information presented in these works. In addition, they might form an appreciation of the complex, diverse world in which we live, or experience the boundaries of information overload which is so prevalent in the digital age.